Pictures for Day 51 to 55 thru Quebec

Day 51 – Joliette to past Trois-Rivieres (Becancour) – click here

Day 52 – Becancour to past Levi – click here

“not every day is pleasant. the morning [of day 52] was bad, and just got worse.”

Day 53 – Levis to La Pocatiere (Riviere-Ouelle)- click here

Did you read Sue’s blog from days 51 to 53?

Day 54 – lovely Riviere-Ouelle – click here

“A new day and luckily we headed back to meet the highway at the bridge. Riviere-Ouelle is such a beautiful place with flowers growing all along the river. And looking down low, you’ll find the most interersting things. Later in the day a butterfly caught my eye, and then I looked up too.”

Day 54 – Riviere-Ouelle to Notre_Dame-du-Lac – click here

“Stunning vistas. I’d love to return to hike & bike.”

Day 55 – Notre-Dame-du-Lac to Perth-Andover NB – click here

Did you read Sue’s blog from days 54 and 55?

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures. I could blame it on poor internet, but it was really the fault of all the terrific people who took such good care of us the last few weeks. Thanks so much to all of you.

2 thoughts on “Pictures for Day 51 to 55 thru Quebec

  1. i have so enjoyed the picture journey across the country. Such diversity. Thanks Al for taking the time to take the pictures and post them, it helped everyone see what you you guys were seeing as you crossed this great land

    • Thanks Rita. It was nice knowing that people were following us along the way. We have such a beautiful country. I’m so happy to share the pictures.

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