Day 29 – Ignace to Upsala

A good morning in Ignace Click the photo for more images from day 29

A good morning in Ignace
Click the photo for more images from day 29

You never know the interesting things you find along the way, just open the door or drive over the hill. Get up early or stay up late.

Click to see more of Al’s photos from day 29

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One thought on “Day 29 – Ignace to Upsala

  1. Sue – loving the blog – finally getting a chance to say so and say hi, and wish for you and your team some more tail winds! Why oh why is it so hard to get those??? Hmmmmm!!! What a journey, undertaking, and adventure. Saw Patrick at Hash last night (Monday June 10) and he says your shgin is a bit sore – 174kms rides may have something to do with that! So, I send you e-healing, e-hugs, and warm thoughts that your pain subsides and you find some smooth roads with tail wind!! You go, girl!!

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