Snow, snow – go away!


About a week and a half ago, I had thought it would be just a matter of days before I would be outside on my bike, to get in some actual road hours. However, Mother Nature had other plans, as a major spring snowstorm dumped a couple more feet of snow.

inside spin

So I am still stuck inside on my trainer, doing 4+ hour spins in front of the TV. I am in the dark ages, no PVR, so I use the commercials to do intervals, one leg drills, fast cadence or strength work.
But yesterday, the sun came out big time and the melt has started….so I’m hoping to be outside very, very soon!


May 8th is coming fast!

Wed bikeIt has been a busy year – Patrick and I got married, had a couple of wedding parties, honeymooned in the South Pacific, and of course through it all we have been preparing for Hillary’s Ride.

Although we have been planning this for well over a year and a half, it has only just started feeling “real”. Sometimes it hits me – I’m cycling across Canada! – and I am overcome with a flood of feelings. Fear for one, as I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into.  Adrenaline for another, as the concerts are planned, the charities contacted, and the fundraising tickets sold. But more than anything else, I feel honoured – to be part of the tribute to Hillary’s life, to dedicate two and a half months to a cause I feel passionate about, and to see first-hand the strength and dedication that a family can nurture despite a devastating loss.

We will be charting our journey on this blog over the coming months, and I hope you will follow along. Let the adventure begin!